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Shedding Light on the Darkness: A Guide to Teaching the Holocaust

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Volume 6

Modern German Studies

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Shedding Light on the Darkness

A Guide to Teaching the Holocaust

Edited by Nancy A. Lauckner and Miriam Jokiniemi

224 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-57181-208-7 $135.00/£99.00 / Hb / Published (September 2000)

eISBN 978-1-78920-582-4 eBook

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"Teaching the Holocaust has become and urgent issue in liberal arts education ... [and] the editors of [this book] assumed this responsibility with dedication, steadfastness, and courage ... The construciton of the book offers a variety of models useful to instructors from all fields of humanities and social sciences ... The essays [are] fascinating. The authors share clearly and succintly ... and with remarkable objectivity and openess, their experiences ... The editors should be commended for the clear and comprehensible introduction ... as well as the meticulous bibliographies ... This book fulfills the promise in its title: it is a guide that shows a way to understand and communicate better the darkness of the Shoah."  · Monatshefte

"The volumes proves an immensely useful overview of different means and approaches, different assumptions and conclusions, from a broad range of highly articulate and qualified scholars ... all pieces are fully and impeccably documented."  · Scott Denham


Increasingly, German Studies programs include courses on the Holocaust, but suitable course materials are often difficult to find. Teachers in higher education will therefore very much welcome this volume that examines and reflects both the practical and theoretical aspects of teaching about the Holocaust. Though designed primarily by and for North American Germanists and German Studies specialists, this book will prove no less useful for teachers in other countries and associated disciplines. It presents and describes successful Holocaust-related courses that have been developed and taught at U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities, demonstrating the depth, breadth, and variety of such offerings, while remaining mindful of the instructor's special moral responsibilities. Reflecting as it does, the innovative Holocaust pedagogy in North American German and German Studies, this collection serves the needs of educators who wish to revise or update their existing Holocaust courses and of those who are seeking guidance, ideas, and resources to enable them to develop their first Holocaust course or unit.

Nancy A. Lauckner teaches and publishes on the Holocaust and its reflection in German, in particular East German, literature. She is Associate Professor of German in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Miriam Jokiniemi (1937-2002) was an Assistant Professor of German in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at York University, Toronto. Her research interests focussed on the Holocaust in contemporary German literature, the literature of East Germany, and the literature and culture of Berlin before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Subject: Genocide HistoryJewish Studies
Area: Germany


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